Click on a name in the below list and learn more about your patron saint; their history, feast day, patronage, fun facts, and how I came to paint them. Writing their hagiographies is part of my process and I hope you take the time to learn more about these amazing historical figures that I like to call my friends.

Aidan of Lindisfarne, Anne Mother of Mary, Augustine of Hippo, Brigid of Kildare, Catherine of Bologna, Catherine of Siena, Cecilia of Rome, Clare of Assisi, Creation, Dominic de Guzman, Dymphna of Ireland, Edith Stein, Evelyn Underhill, Francis of Assisi, Gabriel the Archangel, Genesius of Rome, George of Lydda, Gobnait of Ireland, The Good Shepherd, Hildegard von Bingen, Joan of Arc, Jesus and Lazarus, Jesus of the Sacred Heart, Jesus of the Divine Mercy, Joseph the Worker, Jude Thaddeus the Apostle, Julia Chester Emery, Julian of Norwich, Kateri Tekakwitha, Lucy of Syracuse, Madonna and Child, The Magnificat, Margaret of Antioch, Margaret of Scotland, Martha and Mary, Martin de Porres, Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, Mechtilde of Hackeborne, Michael the Archangel, Miriam of Goshen, Monica of Hippo, Nicholas of Myra, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patrick of Ireland, Pauli Murray, Paul of Tarsus, Peter the Fisherman, Philip the Apostle, Philomena, Pieta, Priscilla and Aquila, Raphael the Archangel, Rita of Cascia, Rose of Lima, Sir Thomas More, Therese of Lisieux
Saints Coming Soon
Saints on the commission list in order of appearance:
Roch of Montpellier, Jesus the Gardener, Mary & Martha at Jesus' feet, Frances Joseph Gaudet, Gregory the Illuminator, Woman with the lost coin, Woman at the well, Martin of Tours, Thomas the Apostle, Phoebe the Deacon, The Holy Innocents, Joseph Terror of Demons, Padre Pio, Michael & All Angels, Mary the Tower, Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky, Columba of Ireland, Anthony of Padua, Gertrude the Great, Maxamilion Kolbe
If you are interested in commissioning an original icon, please contact us directly for more information.

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About Kristen
I'm a modern iconographer, fine art painter, creative photographer, inspired writer, vivid storyteller, and world explorer. My soul is stirred by the colorful and dark creation around and within us and I'm influenced by equal parts pain and joy. Studying theology and the saints are my passion and I love nothing more than sharing that passion with others by teaching, preaching, and leading creative-based workshops and retreats. I'm a deeply spiritual individual with friends and family of every spectrum of belief and non-belief. I believe that if you are a good person to yourself and others, the rest of the details are lagniappe (as we say in Louisiana). I believe my only job as a Christian person is to be the best example of Jesus' love I know how to be. I live and love in Southeast Louisiana with my husband, Basset Hound, overly affectionate kitty, and massive collection of house plants, all of which keep me of sound mind and body.

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